The Nintendo Wii allows you to make a "Mii" which is Nintendo's version of an avatar. The first step in the WiiFit setup process is a body test. It takes your weight and you add in your height. WiiFit then gives you a BMI.
I am a chunky girl, but my Mii isn't. When WiiFit calculated my BMI, my Mii automatically and instantly gained epic proportions of weight. For the first time ever, I was faced online with the reality of my life, and oh how it sucked!!!!!! BMI is already a flawed measurement, in my eyes, because it does not account for muscle. I have read that according to his BMI, Arnold Schwarzenegger is morbidly obese because of the muscle that he carries. This means that when Ahnold's Mii has its BMI calculated, he too will balloon out like a Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man...I'm just sayin!!!
Mii horrors aside, WiiFit is a lot of game-playing bang for the buck. There are so many little games packed into WiiFit, that it will take hours just to get to them all. The game-lets are broken out into categories: strength, balance, aerobic and yoga. You get to pick a male or female trainer who leads the yoga and strength exercises. The balance and aerobic sections are the game-y parts of WiiFit.
A couple of the game-lets that I played were soccer and hula hoop. Soccer is in the balance section. You stand on the "fat mat" and shift your balance to either side. You aim for the soccer ball coming at your head or avoid the shoe or panda bear that is coming at your head.
The Hula Hoop game is in the aerobics section. You swing your hips around while you keep the hula hoops spinning. Other Miis throw hula hoops at you. You have to shift your balance to catch them while you keep swinging your hips around. If it weren't for the WiiFit game, I would NEVER hula hoop, and I can only imagine just how funny I look playing this, but it's fun!
Even though I'm still traumatized from watching my Mii balloon in front of my eyes, WiiFit is a fun and groundbreaking game. The fact that my mother, who is in her 60's, wants a Nintendo Wii so she can play WiiFit shows how Nintendo is taking advantage of a market other games makers have chosen to simply ignore.