When Steven Spielberg was shown the Nintendo Wii, he immediately felt the urge to create a game that would exploit the Wii's interactive capabilities. He found a collaberative partner in Electronic Arts, and the result is Boom Blox.
The basic concept is very simple. You are presented with a pile of blocks. The goal is to knock them down. Since this is a Wii game, knocking down blocks is accomplished by hitting the air as hard as you can with the Wii-mote in hand. It's as if the blocks are saying "I want you to hit me as hard as you can."(Fight Club fans may wish to use the penguin avatar.) This brings up the greatest aspect, for me of this game. The game has cute little characters, which I enjoy, and they crack me up because they seem to serve as a cover up for the fact that this game is all about venting aggression.
There is no one way to hit these blocks. I can jab, punch or slap them. I can even give them a back-handed slap, and the noise they make when you hit then is as satisfying as the sound of popping bubbles in bubble wrap. The makers of the game really did their physics homework because when I make all these crazy hits, the blocks react appropriately to the direction of the force.
Boom Blox has several modes of play and different sets which is pleasing to me because it means that play doesn't have to start where you left off last time. There is a multi-player option and players can play either competitively or cooperatively.
As you play through all of these options, the game unlocks different pieces that can be used in there "create a level" section of the game. Create a level is pretty easy. Players can choose the type and placement of blocks and the characters on the screen.
Boom Blox is one of the reasons why I respect Steven Spielberg. There are absolutely no references to any of his movies in this game. It's just a great game that is easy to figure out but very satisfying to play.
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2 months ago
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